D R . E L R O I


Thursday, May 2, 2013

CDO 2013 Hope Workshop & Adventure

If my memory served me right, last week was my third visit to the city of golden friendship Cagayan De Oro City.

For the first time in more than five years of doing this ministry of Channels of Hope, I have shared not just how God brought me back to life through HIV. Also with confidence, courage and conviction, I mentioned the same-sex attraction or SSA that I have and how I am living my Christian life. I guess the Lord has truly released me from shame on this struggle that I do not care anymore what other people would think after hearing who really I am. It is just feels great to be free, be myself and show to people that this is me and God still loves me anyway.

One of my small dreams came true in this trip. I was able to do the wall climbing and I love it! I thought it was not that hard but actually it was that I have failed to finish the last two of the six vertical lanes I need to climb as a beginner for my arm muscles and hands were all in pain after the fourth lane of the wall. So I have decided to stop and not force myself after all, I have enjoyed it already. Perhaps next time when there is another opportunity I might be able to climb them all.

Most of all, the experience doing the workshop again after several months with my best friend in this ministry and other good friends, new friends, the food and the bonding moments, and what God has done to all of us especially to the participants were simply great and wonderful!

What a journey I must say for God was and will always be good so all the thanks and praises to our dear Lord.