D R . E L R O I


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Water Baptism

Last Sunday, December 13 marked my second year as a Christian. Reminiscing the past two years of living for the Lord Jesus Christ, I realized that I have been through a lot.

The Lord had given me a ministry on HIV and AIDS which is the "Channels of Hope". He allowed me to speak before the young people in and out of the country. I have learned so many things from my SSA struggle which I am still scuffling with up to present. But most importantly, I have come to know God more through all of these and still in the process of knowing Him deeper and getting more intimate with the Lord Jesus Christ.

It was also a day for water baptism in our church. It's very timely for the celebration of my spiritual birth but I must admit that I was hesitant at first whether I am going to do it or not. I felt that I am not worthy of it because of the recent happenings in my Christian life. But praise the Lord for He made me realize once again who really I am for Him through the words I heard from my close Christian friends. In short, I have decided to be baptized that afternoon praying that God will truly renew my whole being, leaving my old self and living truthfully a new life.

Baptism is an act of obedience. The scripture said that it is dying to old way of living and being resurrected to a new life. When we are baptized we confirm externally that we are the beloved children of God and He takes pleasure in us. In short, it is a public declaration or confession of our faith in Jesus to all including the demons in this world and in the spiritual realm.

Testing of faith will surely come and I pray that God will strengthen me more to choose Him all the time.

By the way, I have made a decision to gradually stopped seeing and talking to this guy I have an ED with as my counselors, friends and Pastor told me. Yes it is quite difficult because of the compassion in my heart I have for him but it is the best for both of us. I will continue to pray for him that he will truly seek God so the change he wants to happen in his life will indubitably take place.


Giraffe Pen said...

Wow! This post made my heart leap for joy and give thanks to God for you. He's fashioning you to be a wonderful and beautiful mouthpiece of His. I'm really glad you've stopped seeing that guy; it'll help you cut the soul ties and surrender him to God. You've only been a Christian for two years- you're a baby (I've been one for 12 years) so don't push yourself too much. 2 year olds can't do the work of 15 year olds or 40 year olds, so just take one thing and one day at a time. I love you so much, El Roi :D xo

Giraffe Pen said...

PS - I put up a link to your blog on my own blog site :D 사랑합니다!

E L R o i said...

Your words my dear brother made my heart leap for joy also. It feels good when somebody affirms your good actions especially if you spent sometime thinking about it prior to its execution. Yes, 2 years is still a baby but honestly I feel like I am way too older than that but thanks a lot for these encouraging and inspiring words from you. I have really the tendency to push myself too hard in everything that I do but I guess I have to learn to take things easy and enjoy life with Christ. Thanks for putting a link of this journal to your site I really appreciate it. Merry Christmas my dear brother!

bath mate said...

christianity is good


E L R o i said...

Amen to that bath mate...